Blog Posts COVID-19 Life Events

5 Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance

Guest Post featuring Qalbaq

The pandemic brought to the surface all of our life stressors: work, family, school, childcare, home, financial saving, health care, etc.  And while 2020 was a novelty in balancing, it is now 2022, and everyone is starting to feel the burn and exhaustion of continuing to keep it together.  It is no surprise, then, that the entire workforce is experiencing The Great Resignation, leaving their employers in droves because of burnout, among other things.

It’s essential to focus on finding ways to maintain balance and ensure you do not fall into the rough patch of ultimate burnout. Here are some tips and resources to help keep you balanced and happy:

1. Speak Up and Ask for Help

It is absolutely OK to admit you need help and secure resources that will help you. You’re not alone in this experience of feeling overwhelmed with career, life, and success. Qalbaq, the Career Advisory Marketplace, is an incredible resource for professionals.

At Qalbaq, hundreds of everyday professionals from all backgrounds and industries are  willing to help you with a whole host of professional services, from mentorship to interview preparation to just chatting about how they are balancing work/life pressures.  It is so much better than cold-emailing professionals on other social media platforms hoping you can get a response back…eventually.  Here, you can choose anyone to talk to, and all discussions are confidential, and you can even choose to stay completely anonymous during the meeting.   And because it is a marketplace, you won’t feel beholden or guilty for taking up someone’s time to get help.  You get mental therapy and professional support all in one!  

2. Yes, a Time Out is Totally OK!

Here’s a little secret: we are not machines!  We are human beings that need breaks; otherwise, we will break down.  (Frankly, even machines also need to get unplugged/restarted every so often…!).  So while you think you need to put on a show or brave face to keep plugging away, in reality, you’re breaking down internally.  This includes mentally, physically, and spiritually.

So take control of your wellness, and speak up. Tell your employer, your client, or your spouse that you need a time out. It is OK. And if your employer is not willing to hear you out, then it may be time to reconsider whether that employer even cares about you for you, or only about your output. Once again, the Great Resignation mentioned above has been a workforce reckoning where millions of employees have felt underappreciated, overwhelmed, and unfairly treated because their employers could not understand that they are not machines.  

(And if you need help navigating the school or career waters of how to talk to your bosses or teachers, check out the resources at to speak with those who can give you some pointers and tips – especially if they have worked at your company or industry before.)

It is much better to take a brief break than break down and have to quit your job or your relationship permanently.

3. Find Your Happy Place

We are constantly evolving in our personal and professional relationships.  What we wanted to be in college or in our 20s has drastically changed and shifted, for the most part.  That is because we are blessed with options in our professional careers.  And with the advent of the internet, more and more jobs are available at our fingertips, and we have the luxury of being more creative.

Unfortunately, because of the day-to-day pressures of working non-stop/remotely and balancing other life pressures, we are not taking the time to really ask: “what is it I want to do now that will truly make me happy?”

As Confucius once said, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”  

As part of your taking a beat (so #2 above), consider what makes you happy.  Speak with others who are in roles or jobs that you aspire to be in, and find what you love!  From there, you will build your empire and find the right cadence and balance to fulfill you personally, professionally, and spiritually.

4. Comfy Workspace, Happy Workplace

With more of us working outside of the office, it is imperative that you set up a workstation or office that works for you. It makes such a difference to “want” to go to work, knowing it is a comfortable work setting. How many times have you been on a Zoom call for work or happy hour, and you see other people’s backgrounds/settings and thought, “Oh my gosh, that is a stressful and cluttered space to be in!” or “Wow, that looks so cozy! I want to be there right now!”

So consider what makes you happy and productive when setting up your environment.  Take the time to decorate and set up your space that speaks to who you are and how it makes you feel.  Pinterest can help inspire, so can other image websites like Instagram.  It makes all the difference in the world!

5. You’re Not Alone: Build Your Network

Your journey to find balance is not a solo journey you need to take.  Find like-minded professional individuals on LinkedIn or Qalbaq to help you blossom and give you helpful life and career tips.  Build your network, and balance will fall into place as you learn the pros and cons of your journey ahead.

The road that you’re on has been traveled before, and there will be so many people who care share their wisdom with you.  Think of it this way: Wouldn’t it be better to use something like crowdsourced Waze to get the best tips on where you’re headed (as opposed to going it alone with the good ole’ Thomas Guide and hope that your journey is not fraught with major obstacles)?

By asiafee

Chemist & Founder of Alchemist Asia

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